North America Telugu SocietyNorth America Telugu Society (NATS) is a non-profit national organization for Telugus living in North America. NATS primar
North America Telugu Society
North America Telugu Society (NATS) is a non-profit national organization for Telugus living in North America. NATS primary objective is to address the needs and concerns that affect the everyday lives of Telugu people living in North America. The Society will provide needed social, financial and educational support services to the North American Telugu community in an effective and efficient manner.
NATS is a non-political, youth-oriented organization that actively involves its General Body in setting its direction and in providing regular feedback on its programs. NATS is an open and transparent organization where service is emphasized. NATS uses current technology to provide regular communication and services to its members.
NATS will be led by service-oriented Telugus in a democratic fashion without any conflicts of interest. NATS is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.